Ayam Masak Kicap
Recipe Courtesy of Asian Food Network

Ayam Masak Kicap

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First deep-fried then simmered to get a caramel brown soy sauce glaze running with fried garlic bits, all infused expertly to a deep-fried chicken.
  • Difficulty:  Easy
  • Preparation: 10 min
  • Cook: 15 min
  • Clean up: min
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 14 Ingredients
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 14 Ingredients
  • Preparation: 10 min
  • Cook: 15 min
  • Clean up: min


1. Prep the chicken

  • In a large bowl, add in sweet soy sauce, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and pepper then add in the chicken. Marinate for a minimum of 10minutes

  • In a wok, add in some oil and deep-fry the marinated chicken on high heat for 2 minutes, and turning before reducing the heat to medium for a following 3 minutes

  • Turn the chicken occasionally to ensure browning on all sides. Remove the chicken and drain on a kitchen towel.

2. Use the marinade completely

  • Do not disregard the left-over marinade, add in 1 cup of water, dark thick soy sauce and corn flour and mix

  • Discard most of the oil in the pan but retain about 1 tblsof oil and stir fry chopped up garlic before adding the chicken in to the pan and pouring the access marinade into the pan.

Garnish and Serve!

Serve immediately with steamed rice

Ayam Masak Kicap