Salted Vegetable Duck Soup
Recipe Courtesy of Asian Food Network

Salted Vegetable Duck Soup

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As with most dishes in Teochew, a city in the eastern province of China, the key to making the best Salted Vegetable Duck Soup lies in the freshness and quality of the ingredients, as well as to cater enough time for simmering. This ensures that the duck meat falls off the bone! Fun fact -This soup is known to boost one’s appetite because of its salty savoury taste.
No Nuts
No Nuts
  • Difficulty:  Medium
  • Preparation: 35 min
  • Cook: 70 min
  • Clean up: min
  • Steps:  3 steps
  • 8 Ingredients
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Steps:  3 steps
  • 8 Ingredients
  • Preparation: 35 min
  • Cook: 70 min
  • Clean up: min


1. Soak salted vegetables

  • Cut salted vegetables into chunks and soak in water for about 20mins. Taste to see if it is too salty. If it is, soak a little longer.

  • Drain salted vegetables. Set aside.

2. Blanch duck

  • In a pot of boiling water, blanch duck chunks into boiling water for 3 mins, then wash the duck again with fresh water and remove any visible blood clots.

3. Boil soup

  • Bring 3L of water to boil in a pot. Once boiling, add in the duck, tamarind skin and ginger and boil over medium heat for 0.5hr.

  • Turn heat into medium low, then add the salted vegetable, tomatoes and sour plumand boil for another 30 min or until the duck is soft but not disintegrated.

  • Serve when hot.

Plate and Serve!

Serve when hot. Ensure all the fats of the duck are removed to avoid a very oily soup.

Salted Vegetable Duck Soup