Beef Bulgogi
Recipe Courtesy of Asian Food Network

Beef Bulgogi

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Without a doubt, the Beef Bulgogi is one of the most popular and oldest Korean traditional foods. The secret to this dish lies in the cut of the beef -make sure to get a cut that has a good amount of marbling, sliced thinly, and you’re almost guaranteed a dish that melts in your mouth. The sauce is a burst of umami made from a blend of sauces and oil, ginger, garlic and, the Asian pear! Best served wrapped in a cold crispy piece of lettuce or a bowl of steamed rice.
  • Difficulty:  Medium
  • Preparation: 15 min
  • Cook: 5 min
  • Clean up: min
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 12 Ingredients
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 12 Ingredients
  • Preparation: 15 min
  • Cook: 5 min
  • Clean up: min


1. Marinate beef

  • Grate pear.

  • Mince garlic and yellow onion.

  • In a bowl, add minced ginger and garlic, onion, soy sauce, brown sugar, sesame oil, pear, black pepper and honey. Mix well.

  • Add sliced beef and mix well to coat evenly.

  • Cover and set aside to marinate for 10 minutes

2. Stir fry beef

  • Garnish with sesame seeds before cooking.

  • In a pan on medium heat, add beef bulgogi slices.

  • Fry for 2 –3 minutes, and serve hot.

Garnish and Serve!

Garnish with spring onions. Serve with rice and kimchi.

Beef Bulgogi