Murtabak Manis
Recipe Courtesy of Asian Food Network

Murtabak Manis

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Get ready for those calories because you will definitely sink your teeth into this traditional Indonesian dessert. A sweet treat, the Martabak Manis can be described as a hefty “pancake” pie –a thick pastry enveloping a filling of your choosing! Try it the local way and have it filled with chocolate, condensed milk, butter and shredded cheese.
  • Difficulty:  Easy
  • Preparation: 25 min
  • Cook: 75 min
  • Clean up: min
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 16 Ingredients
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 16 Ingredients
  • Preparation: 25 min
  • Cook: 75 min
  • Clean up: min


1. Mix martabak batter

  • In a large bowl, add flour, water, eggs, sugar, yeast, baking powder, baking soda, ½ tsp salt, melted butter and milk powder, andwhisk until well combined.

  • Bring up the whisk to show the consistency of the batter.

  • Set aside for 1 hour to rest

2. Cook Martabak – half cooked pancake & sprinkle sugar

  • In a thick non-stick frying pan on low heat, add 1 ladle of batter and spread it out evenly.Once it’s bubbling, sprinkle 1 tsp sugar and close with lid until fully cooked. This takes about 8 minutes.

  • A popular and indulgent choice of toppings for martabak manis in Indonesia includes chocolate, condensed milk, butter and shredded cheese -give it a go!

Plate & Serve!

Place on a plate or cutting board, brush the martabak with butter, and sprinkle toppings of your choice. Cut and serve hot!

Murtabak Manis