Ayam Goreng Kunyit (Turmeric Chicken)
Recipe Courtesy of Asian Food Network

Ayam Goreng Kunyit (Turmeric Chicken)

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How many ways to do chicken? This one’s a brilliant yellow and deeply aromatic –both signatures of turmeric, the common Southeast Asian spice. Chunks of tender chicken are fried and tossed in the thick creamy spice paste of garlic, turmeric, sugar, salt and soy sauce (or liquid aminos if you’re gluten and diary-free).
No Nuts
No Nuts
No Pork
No Pork
  • Difficulty:  Easy
  • Preparation: 10 min
  • Cook: 15 min
  • Clean up: min
  • Steps:  3 steps
  • 12 Ingredients
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Steps:  3 steps
  • 12 Ingredients
  • Preparation: 10 min
  • Cook: 15 min
  • Clean up: min


1. Make the paste

  • In a pestle and mortar, pound together garlic, turmeric with some salt until it becomes a fine paste.

  • Combine the paste with the chicken, along with the cornflour, soy sauce, some sugar and some turmeric powder let it marinate for about 10 minutes.

2. Deep-fry the chicken

  • As the chicken marinates, prep the vegetables. Slice up the onions, chili and carrot into strips about the same size

  • In a wok, add in some oil and deep fry the marinated chicken on high heat for 3 minutes, and turning before reducing the heat to medium for a following 3 minutes.

  • Turn the chicken occasionally to ensure browning on all sides.

  • After 8 minutes the chicken should be cooked. remove the chicken and drain on a kitchen towel.

3. Add the finishing touches

  • Discard most of the oil in the pan but retain about 3 tbsp of oil and stir fry the carrots for a few minutes before adding the onion and chilies.

  • Next add in the chicken and stir fry everything for about a minute.

Plate and Serve!

Serve immediately.

Ayam Goreng Kunyit (Turmeric Chicken)