A staple almost every asian swears by, one might even say that they cannot live without rice. Long grain, short grain, pearl rice, this simple starch is widely known as the first cultivated grain in Asia. Its italian counterpart is risotto - made from arborio rice. The difference is, arborio rice when cooked becomes firm and creamy and chewy - making it perfect for Risotto. Like our delicious and simple One-Pot Tom Yum Risotto.

Certain rice types are also healthier than others. White rice is starchy, and contains lesser nutrients than other kinds of rice with its husks, bran and germ removed. Basmati rice is considered the healthiest rice, as it's not as caloric dense as other rice - being long grained. Fun fact: basmati rice elongates as you cook it, resulting in long pointy grained that's fluffy and separates rather than sticking together like white rice.

We show you three different (and on the healthier side) types of grains, and how to use them for the perfect dish.

How To: Use Different Types of Grains

A quick tldw (too long don't watch) on the different types of grains:

Brown Rice

The facts: Highly Nutritious, comes in red or black 'brown' rice. More fibre in brown rice as compared to white rice as brown rice has its bran and germ intact - basically the stuff that contains more more fibre and antioxidants.

Rice to water ratio: 1:2 ½

Flavour and Texture: Nutty & medium to firm texture (cannot be stored for too long else a rancid smell will be produced)

While this Garlic Chicken Fried Rice uses japanese rice in its recipe, we're just saying brown rice works just as well, and tastes just as delicious as a substitute.

Quinoa Rice

The facts: Quinoa is not actually rice - it's a supercereal, but its cooked and eaten like a grain. It's high in protein, fiber and minerals. With cooked cup of quinoa gives 8 grams of protein, you eat less, for more. It's also more filling, so you tend to be fuller after just one portion. AKA, you snack less.

Rice to water ratio: 1:2

Flavour and Texture: A sweet and nutty flavour, and short, round grains make for little 'pops' in your mouth. Firm, bouncy texture, it's like rice, but not quite.

Similar to risotto rice, we think quinoa works as a great replacement in our delicious One-Pot Tom Yum Risotto Recipe.

Basmati Rice

The facts: It's the healthiest rice out of the whole lot, and also the longest, lengthwise. Different from other rices, basmati rice is fried first, then cooked in a broth to rise & become the fluffy, non-sticky rice we love. Very commonly used in indian cuisine.

Rice to broth ratio: 1:2

Flavour and texture: The rice grains separate from one another and do not stick together, it's considered more fluffy than starchy, and breaks very easily as compared to other rice types. It's also longer and thinner.

Basmati rice is used very frequently in Indian cuisine, and we think you should try out our Vegetarian Briyani recipe for a healthy and satisfying rice dish. Delicious and healthy, watch the macros and still get to enjoy a good meal.

And if you love rice as much as we do, here's a list of 10 Easy Rice Recipes that you just have to know. Every kind of rice can be replaced with another, if you're feeling adventurous enough.

Three Types of Rice You Should Know