Tauhu Goreng
Recipe Courtesy of Asian Food Network

Tauhu Goreng

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“Don’t judge a dish by its cover” is an idiom that describes the Tauhu Goreng. A beautiful brown mess of deep fried tofu slathered in roasted ground peanuts, and caramelized sweet and spicy sauce made from Gula Melaka, tamarind, dark soy sauce, chillies and garlic. For a splash of colour and crunch, serve over a bed of cucumber and beansprouts!
  • Difficulty:  Easy
  • Preparation: 20 min
  • Cook: 20 min
  • Clean up: min
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 15 Ingredients
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Steps:  2 steps
  • 15 Ingredients
  • Preparation: 20 min
  • Cook: 20 min
  • Clean up: min


1. Blend and fry peanut sauce

  • In a blender, add chili, garlic and shallots. Blend into a rough paste, then add 35 ml sesame oil. Blend into a smooth paste.

  • In a pot on medium heat, add spice paste and fry for 10 minutes, or until dry.

  • Add ground peanuts and stir well

  • When combined, add 20 ml kecap manis, sugar, salt, water and tamarind water. Mix well and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.

2. Shallow fry firm tofu

  • In a pot on medium heat, add 100ml shallot oil and shallow fry firm tofu. Set aside to drain.

  • Cool the tofu and cut it into quarters.

| Try air frying the bean curd for a healthy take on this dish.

Garnish and Serve!

Serve tofu hot with peanut sauce, blanched bean sprouts, and julienned cucumbers. Garnish with toasted sesame seeds.

Get Some Tableware!

Tauhu Goreng