Porridge. Depending on where you're from, porridge means and tastes different. In western parts of the world, porridge means oatmeal or another meal boiled in water or milk. In Asia, porridge usually refers to rice porridge, often boiled to a gooey sticky state also known as congee. Here, we give you three types of porridge you must learn to cook.

How To: Cook Different Types of Porridge

A quick tldw (too long don't watch) on how to cook different types of porridge

Taiwanese Porridge

Rice to water ratio: 1:6

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Texture: Soupy with softened grains

Typically eaten plain paired with meat or vegetable dishes or condiments like soy sauce, it's sometimes cooked with potato for a salty sweet meal. During WWII, porridge was often cooked Taiwanese style when food was scarce and people were too poor to afford premium products.

Filipino Porridge

Rice to water ratio: 1:4

Cook Time: 1 hour

Texture: Thick, gooey, very savoury

Also known as Arroz Caldo, filipino porridge is different from most other rice porridges as it is first fried with chicken, fried onions and garlic before being boiled with water. This brings out the smoky, flavourful taste has, and our recipe here is perfect for you to try out this easy dish.

Cantonese Porridge

Rice to water ratio: 1:8

Cook Time: 2 hours on low heat (stirred every half an hour)

Tecxture: Thick, silky smooth. Very gooey

Traditional cantonese porridge is also known as congee, and is typically eaten paired with dishes. Silky smooth, this is probably the longest porridge to cook as it requires patience, boiling over a stove on low heat. Stirred every half an hour so the grains don't stick to the bottom. Fun times. But oh so worth the wait.

Three Types of Porridge You Must Learn to Cook