Charlotte Mei
Tue Jan 14 2020

From proper planning before the festivities, to playing Charades during home-visits and repurposing delicious CNY leftovers - here are 10 easy, and very doable tips to keep you happy and healthy this Chinese New Year.

Before the festivities:

1. Plan well before setting out to buy goodies

2. Store any goodies in the cabinet or fridge until the festivities really begin. In sight, in mind. Out of sight, out of mind!

3. Bake your own!How about making some pineapple tarts? This way, you know exactly the ingredients that go into it, and you can even play around with the proportions to suit your tastes

During the festivities:

4. Eat selectively

5. Stick to natural drinks instead of packet or soft drinks

6. Include vegetables in every mealWe all know that vegetables are good for you as they contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They also contain a lot of fibre, meaning they keep you fuller for longer, so you don’t end up filling yourself up on empty calories throughout the day. Here’s a yummy dish you can easily add to the selection on your dining table

7. Fuel up on some vitamin C

8. Take every opportunity to move about

After the festivities:

9. Repurpose leftovers!I’d take any chance to repurpose leftovers into a new dish! It saves cooking time, and the layers of flavours are going to create something your taste buds will thank you for. How about a pumpkin fried rice, a simple omeletteor if you're feeling creativemake a savoury pancake. The possibilities are endless

10. Continue life as usual

Have a happy, healthy, and prosperous Chinese New Year!

Charlotte Meiis a nutritionist and self-taught cook based in Singapore. She frequently cooks up nutritious, delicious dishes - and the occasional indulgent treat too! Follow her on all her socials at @thecharlottemei

For more delicious recommendations and recipes on Chinese New Year, see our Chinese New Year 2020 page.

Top 10 Realistic Tips for a Healthy Festive Chinese New Year